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🛡️ ⚛️ A simple, scalable, and powerful architecture for building production ready React applications.

Results 72 bulletproof-react issues
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In the [Button component](https://github.com/alan2207/bulletproof-react/blob/master/src/components/Elements/Button/Button.tsx) there's this line: ```js const variants = { primary: 'bg-blue-600 text-white hover:bg-gray-50:text-blue-600', inverse: 'bg-white text-blue-600 hover:bg-blue-600:text-white', danger: 'bg-red-600 text-white hover:bg-red-50:text-red-600', }; ``` The background and text...

I'm getting the following error on the table component. `ERROR in src/components/Elements/Table/Table.tsx:57:25 TS2322: Type 'Element | Entry[keyof Entry]' is not assignable to type 'ReactNode'. Type 'Entry[keyof Entry]' is not assignable...

help developers writing better applications -> help developers write better applications. Fix #3

Hi, I fix some errors in REAFME.md, and I hope these changes can contribute to this project.

Hi ! I'm learning from this wonderful repository. I would like to ask that can I use react-hook-form's setValue etc. In this repo's Form structure, how to use setValue etc...

`lodash-es` modules bundle size is smaller than `lodash`, and it supports tree-shaking out of the box because it was written in ES6. Please feel free to check it.

I know this question is Typescript-specific, but I can't find articles about it. Why do you do this in the Form.tsx? `TFormValues extends Record = Record` Is it really different...

Hello. Quick question: Where would you put shared react-query wrappers? Say one were to have a modal dialog that is used by multiple features (and therefore lives in `/components`) and...

Hi, thanks for the nice architecture design! I would like to ask you a question regarding the title🤔 I would like to know the difference between a component placed in...

Hi, thanks for this nice project structure! I find access control is also an everyday topic in a react app, could you give some suggestions on integrating access control (at...