Jesús Alan Ramos Rodríguez
Jesús Alan Ramos Rodríguez
I will be working in module purchase_analytic from V13
procurement_mto_analytic in
No entiendo que es error de foco?
Bug is confirmed in runbot. @Hector-Camacho check this Issue. `point_x, point_y = geojson.loads(self.point).coordinates` The error traceback is because `self.point = False ` when you create a new record and when...
What is this?
Hello @cedvict I think this issue is more related to your environment than this module, first try to update Odoo and TMS dependencies to the latest commit, start by installing...
Can you give me the steps to reproduce this issue. Thanks in advance
This Issue is raised to control the migration to V13, at this moment it's WIP, so you cannot install tms in V13. Also account_operating_unit is an oca module
Hello @kbrownnn What is the propose of this change? Could you explain morw what is jekyl-theme-minimal?
project_task_description_template from V15