emacs-cmake-project copied to clipboard
A minor-mode integrating the CMake build process with the Emacs ecosystem.
Emacs CMake project mode
A minor-mode integrating the CMake build process with the Emacs ecosystem.
Emacs build tools for C/C++ generally assume a Makefile exists for the project but this isn't necessarily the case for projects managed by CMake which can generate many different types of project file. Integrates the CMake build process with the existing Emacs tools.
This mode is not for editing the CMakeLists.txt
themselves; that
is left to the major-mode cmake-mode
Copy this file somewhere on your Emacs load path or use Marmalade and the package manager to install it.
Either auto-load the mode in your init file by adding the line:
(autoload 'cmake-project-mode "cmake-project" nil t)
Or simply require the library:
(require 'cmake-project)
Then use M-x cmake-project-mode
in any buffer you wish to use the
mode in. Alternatively, start the mode automatically for any C/C++
file whose directory includes a CMakeLists.txt
(defun maybe-cmake-project-mode ()
(if (or (file-exists-p "CMakeLists.txt")
(file-exists-p (expand-file-name "CMakeLists.txt" (car (project-roots (project-current))))))
(add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'maybe-cmake-project-mode)
(add-hook 'c++-mode-hook 'maybe-cmake-project-mode)
Configuring build tree
Use M-x cmake-project-configure-project
to configure or reconfigure
a CMake build tree. The function finds the source automatically based
on the current buffer.
The compile command
This mode makes the compile command, M-x compile
, build the
project by default via CMake in a bin
subdirectory of the project
source root directory.
This mode integrates with Flymake so that, when flymake-mode
enabled, the entire project is built whenever the buffer is saved and
any errors are higlighted in the buffer. This is different from
Flymake's typical behaviour which builds only the file for the buffer
in question. CMake doesn't provide a way to build one file at a time
(or at least we don't know of a way) so we must build everything.