planify copied to clipboard
Smart date recognition
не отрабатывает одну из отличительных фишек Todoist - распознавание дат, тегов при вводе задачи. Пример: Завтра" Написать руководителю #Работа Задача должна упасть в список задач на завтра в проект "Работа"
it does not work out one of the distinctive features of Todoist - the recognition of dates and tags when entering a task. Example: Tomorrow" Write to the head #Job The task should fall into the task list for tomorrow in the Work project
In Planner 2 we had a natural date recognition (today, tomorrow, in 2 days, next week, etc), we could migrate this service to Planify 4.
Missing this feature, too. Currently that's the only reason I even use Todoist instead of Nextcloud. Makes adding tasks so much faster if you can type "today" or "heute" in German or other languages, etc.