Gigabyte-GA-Z77X-macOS-Install copied to clipboard
Sleep wifi usb BCM943602CS (GA-Z77X-D3H)
System information
- macOS 10.12.4
- GA-Z77X macOS Install v2.0.8
- GA-Z77X-D3H
- Intel Core i5-XXXXK
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660ti
Issue description
Hello, In connection with the BCM943602CS Wifi Bluetooth combo card sleep isn't working because the USB port where Bluetooth of the card is connect to, isn't marked as internal port (0x255). Maybe u can add a Patch for it. My Board has 2 internal USB 2.0 Header.
Hi, can you post a IOReg? What port (look for the ACPI device name in IORegistryExplorer) isn't marked as internal?
Hi, I have the same problem with BCM943602CS (switch with my old TP-LINK for the moment), i've also tried to connect my corsairLink usb (PSU) on internal hub and Sleep is broken too. Basically with any device connected to this internal hub, sleep is not working. if you know how to rename it as internal?
10.12.5 GA-Z77X-UD5H NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660ti
i'v attached my ioreg with USB "corsairlink" connected (not desingned to work on osx but just to show you the problematic port). it's the same port noticed by domeOo zedoc iMac 13,
The bluetooth is connected to intern USB 2 Pin header.
Yes, this one is my front case USB header with a Bluetooth dongle on it. Because when i use the BCM943602CS BT card on plugged on internal usb header it wakes from sleep like yours.
Can you elaborate as to how sleep is broken? Does it instantly wake? If so, can you see Wake reason in Console?
It instantly wake, in ioreg i see "wake reason: EH01"
The Computer is going in into sleep but wake up as soon he hits deep sleep
yes exactly, 1 or 2 seconds after entering deep sleep, it wakes up.
After Hours of investigation with the help of USBinjectAll kext I figured out that the problem is within the Hub driver from Apple. Because the Hub ports Ignore the UsbConnector values. Hint if I Try a port connected to the XHC (Only to front usb 3 connected with internal USB3 Header) where usbConnector is set to 255/0xFF sleep works.
For the GA-Z77X-D3H:
All internal USB 2 Headers are at EH01 as child of a Hub.
All USB 2 Port on Backpanel are at EH02 (also as child of a hub) also the USB 2 ports of the USB3 Connectors on Backpanel are on EH02 (also child of a hub)
The USB 3 Ports of USB 3 Connectors of Backpanel are at XHC
The USB3 Ports of USB 3 internal header are at XHC and the USB2 Ports are also at XHC(These are working with USBConnector value set to 255/0xff
Because the USBConnector flag is ignored the solution may be setting usbType to another value? So far I found out there is no explanation for all possible values... I tried 0, 2, and 4 without success.
I managed to make it sleep on my Z97MX-gaming 5 build: i routed all usb to XHC removing "FakePCIID_XHCIMux.kext" see end of this post: tested all ports and set internal "HS07" and "HS08" in my case (internal usb2 ports where BT is plugged in) to 255. now sleep is working with bluetooth plugged in! now i will try on my Z77-UD5H when possible. (i've attached my ssdt for USBinjectAll kext (used on Z97-MX-gaming 5))
Most 8/9 chipset boards route all USB ports (including USB 2 ports) to XHC. This isn't possible on 7 series, as USB 2 ports are wired to EHC. Only USB 3 ports are wired to XHC.
Thanks for the information. Looks like i will need another BT card for my Z77 build then...
@zedocorb I use a long USB cable an Connet it via USB 3 hub. So I can set it to 255 and sleep works fine. But don't forget to deactivate wake from network or else your wifi will be very slow after wake.
Could you please try v2.0.9? The internal chipset hubs on EHC1/EHC2 should now be marked as internal. I'm not sure if hubs under that will be counted though.
I will try next week when I'm back at home. But I also tried this my self last time and it didn't work.