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How to test select component with react-native-testing-library
💬 Question
What I want is to press a select component and select an especific option, so I'm having some problems:
If I try to use getByTestId, console trown an error because
prop doesn't apply for Select component, and testing-library can't found the element. -
I can't use fireEvent over a text element rendered by Select because an error is thrown:
Unable to find node on an unmounted component.
What I'm trying is this:
import React from 'react'
import {fireEvent, render, waitFor} from '@tests/test-utils'
import PSEForm from './PSEForm'
test('Render a form with financial institution selector, legal id type selector, legal id number input and submit button', async () => {
const onSubmitMock = jest.fn()
const {getByTestId, getByText, debug} = render(
<PSEForm onSubmit={onSubmitMock} />,
// get form inputs
const finantialInstitutionSelect = getByText(/selecciona tu banco/i) // press component
const legalIdSelect = getByText(/escoge un tipo de documento/i) // press component
const documentNumberInput = getByTestId('') // input component
const buttonSubmit = getByText(/pagar/i) // button component
// fill the form and submit it // this thrwon an error
So what would be the correct way to test a form with Select component?
UI Kitten and Eva version
Package | Version |
@eva-design/eva | 2.1.0 |
@ui-kitten/components | 5.1.0 |
Hey @crisfcodes. A set of tests for this component written with react-native-testing-library can be found directly in our repo. Can it be helpful?
I'm having the same issue in several instances of a project.
I see you're passing correctly the props to your subcomponents down to the TouchabeOpacity
on which the Select relies on. I'm not sure if this is more a problem of the TouchableOpacity itself.
Anyway, the suggested test used is now deprecated as the getByType
function was removed here , so it's not an option for newer projects like the one I'm using and I can't find another way around
If there's an issue with the Select component itself I can send a PR myself to fix the problem if needed, but I'm not sure where the testID
is getting lost. Can anyone please confirm?
I am having the same problem. testID
is not getting correctly set to Select component.