awesome-java copied to clipboard
We need to rework the section and probably add the separate libraries as sub-entries to make them searchable via CTRL+F. Many people open the list if they need a library, e.g. if they look for a CSV library they won't find Commons CSV.
Give me your thoughts, my idea was to do the following, without cluttering the table of contents:
Apache Commons
- Apache Commons CSV - ...
I personally like this idea, and I cannot think of any alternatives, so I'm happy for Platform to go down this route.
I would love to see something like that because I experience the issue myself. Unfortunately, I don't have any specific thoughts on the specific section, but I have an idea about the format. Perhaps, we can try some kind of tags:
Jackson - suite of data-processing tools for Java (and the JVM platform) [XML] [YAML] [CSV] [XML] [Protobuf] [Properties] [Vavr] [Guava] [Joda] [Lombok]
This format seems concise and flexible enough (tags with w/ or w/o links, "synonyms") to cover search needs. And it also can save a lot of vertical space for big platforms like Jackson (16 data formats + dozens of data types).
Done for Apache Commons
Just a quick note to say that Apache Commons is not a platform. It is a set of independent projects, of varying quality, that happen to be hosted in the same place. Some of the projects share maintainers, some don't. The reason why Apache Commons exists at all is that the Apache Software Foundation structures cannot handle lots of tiny projects, they only really work with larger ones. The impact for the awesome list is that each Apache Commons project should sit under the relevant section, not under Platform. For example, Commons-CSV should sit under CSV, and Commons-Lang and Commons-Collections under Utility.
Ya I am new on GitHub but I like your ideas because it's really good 👍
Yeah, platform is the wrong name. Need to come up with something better.