react-native-xmpp copied to clipboard
Error with 'react-native'
After installing Pods using this file: target 'chatApp' do
use_frameworks! pod 'XMPPFramework', :git => '', :branch => '3.7.0' pod 'KissXML', :git => "", :branch => '5.2.0' pod 'RNXMPP', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-xmpp'
target 'chatAppTests' do inherit! :search_paths end
target 'chatApp-tvOS' do
target 'chatApp-tvOSTests' do inherit! :search_paths end
I got this error
error: bundling failed: ambiguous resolution: module /Users/franciscocabrera/Development/Chatapp/
tries to require react-native
, but there are several files providing this module. You can delete or fix them:
Hi, Iam also facing the same issue. I just tried by removing either of one separately, still not working. Help is appreciated.