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High performance, easy-to-use, and scalable machine learning (ML) package, including linear model (LR), factorization machines (FM), and field-aware factorization machines (FFM) for Python and CLI int...

Results 104 xlearn issues
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你好,在使用xlearn时,我们会把数据X传给python的fit接口,python会一层层的调用,直到使用底层的c++的train接口,我看这个c++接口使用的是reader数据类型,所以在从python侧调用c++侧的过程中一定会进行数据的处理,我对通过python调用c++这个过程不熟悉,请问如何才能看到这个数据处理都过程?它会包含在哪个文件里吗?最后,像“_LIB.XLearnSetTrain”这样的函数定义在哪个文件里啊?我找不到它,希望您能回复一下,不胜感谢! Thank!

Hello, I don't get any output during using Python API version of XLEARN. I do get a very nice output when I use command line API of XLEARN. Is this...

xlearn was installed on windows anaconda successfully but is not working error is >>> import xlearn as xl Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "C:\Users\sndr\anaconda3_Apr_2020\lib\site-packages\xlearn\__init__.py",...

I was getting strange resource exhausted bug when running xlearn fm model predict method for a while. When I profiled the processes via htop, I have noticed that the number...

hi I met following problems when I install the xlearn on centos, could pls have a look at on this? thanks in advance. @aksnzhy BTW, my env: gcc -v Using...

2019-4-25 xLearn 0.4.4 version release. Main update: Support Python DMatrix Better Windows support when it will be ready for easy Windows installation ?

hi,dear wanna know how to load the trained model,such as the **model.out** file in [demo](https://github.com/aksnzhy/xlearn/blob/master/demo/classification/criteo_ctr/run_demo_ctr.py) thx

感觉不是很好用啊, 可以考虑支持[(filed,index,value)]的方式存储数据啊, 直接读文本太复古了。。。 这让线上直接预测的时候咋用?

------ # DMatrix transition xdm_train = xl.DMatrix(xtr, ytr) xdm_test = xl.DMatrix(xte, yte) # Training task fm_model = xl.create_fm() # Use factorization machine fm_model.setOnDisk() fm_model.setNoBin() fm_model.setTrain(xdm_train) # Training data fm_model.setValidate(xdm_test) #...