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Add the algorithms!
Add the algorithms if you find they are not already added in the repositories and create a pull request.
Example : In sorting/searching repo many algos are not added so add them and raise the pull request.
- you can create issue on codes if you find any mistakes in them.
Happy Coding!!!
Can i work on this issue?
Can you help me to get started with it? I am beginner to contribute to open source
Yes, you can fork the repository choice and then you can add your code and then you can create a pull request.
I can add any algorithm like sorting algo??
can i add more algorithms??
yeah but please see that it not already added in the repo. add some new algos in repos.
can I work on this issue? because I see there is some data structure that is not in the repository.
yes @shashwattpandeyy ofcourse!
I want to contribute here. Can I?
#93 done