Aksh Gupta
Aksh Gupta
Hey, I'd give this a shot.
A few node packages to consider using for parsing arguments: - https://github.com/sindresorhus/meow - https://github.com/yargs/yargs - https://github.com/tj/commander.js - https://github.com/oclif/oclif
Your concerns towards the npm packages are totally valid. I think if we have the option of using the already packaged `python-prompt-toolkit`, it's a great idea, and we should go...
That's correct. It will still need to have a starting and closing point at the C++ part where it will be initiated with the metacall API. Also, as I mentioned,...
@wei I went through the code and realized I need to read up a bit more about GraphQL to get myself up to speed. As per my current observation, the...
I'd like to take this up!
@b2jena Go for it! Ask away if you're not sure about anything.
I think @b2jena is working on this? Can you confirm @b2jena? I'll suggest working on one issue at a time @ConsultantFoodie, and when you're done with that, and @b2jena has...
Since I haven't heard from @b2jena, you can go for it @ConsultantFoodie.
@ConsultantFoodie I think it'll be best to create a separate class for each of the apps, which would contain all the methods being used in that particular app, and the...