PixImagePicker copied to clipboard
Pix is a Whatsapp image picker replica. with this, you can integrate an image picker just like WhatsApp.
Pix (WhatsApp Style Image and Video Picker)
Pix is a WhatsApp image picker replica. with this you can integrate a image picker just like WhatsApp.
set configuration as
val options = Options().apply{
ratio = Ratio.RATIO_AUTO //Image/video capture ratio
count = 1 //Number of images to restrict selection count
spanCount = 4 //Number for columns in grid
path = "Pix/Camera" //Custom Path For media Storage
isFrontFacing = false //Front Facing camera on start
videoDurationLimitInSeconds = 10 //Duration for video recording
mode = Mode.All //Option to select only pictures or videos or both
flash = Flash.Auto //Option to select flash type
preSelectedUrls = ArrayList<Uri>() //Pre selected Image Urls
Ratio can be
Mode to to select the media type can be as
All, Picture, Video
Then pass this config to the pix fragment either via
addPixToActivity(R.id.container, options) {
when (it.status) {
PixEventCallback.Status.SUCCESS -> //use results as it.data
PixEventCallback.Status.BACK_PRESSED -> // back pressed called
or plain fragment can be retrieved via
private val pixFragment = pixFragment(options)
The results can be retrieved via the constructor callback from the fragment
when (it.status) {
PixEventCallback.Status.SUCCESS -> //use results as it.data
PixEventCallback.Status.BACK_PRESSED -> // back pressed called
Or can be retrieved by anywhere in the Application from the state flow eventbus
PixBus.results {
when (it.status) {
PixEventCallback.Status.SUCCESS -> //use results as it.data
PixEventCallback.Status.BACK_PRESSED -> // back pressed called
For detailed usage kindly refer to the below samples
- FragmentSample for Plain Fragment implementation
- NavControllerSample for Fragments with NavController implementation
- ViewPager2Sample for Fragments with ViewPager2 implementation
include these items in colors.xml with custom color codes
<color name="video_counter_color_pix">#E53935</color>
<color name="primary_color_pix">#075e54</color>
<color name="primary_light_color_pix">#80075e54</color>
<color name="surface_color_pix">#ffffff</color>
<color name="text_color_pix">#807f7f</color>
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include in app level build.gradle
repositories {
implementation 'io.ak1.pix:piximagepicker:1.6.3'
or Maven:
or ivy:
<dependency org='io.ak1.pix' name='piximagepicker' rev='1.6.3'>
<artifact name='pix' ext='pom' ></artifact>
Find docs for old versions in wiki 1.5.6 and 1.2.5
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, click here for the full license.
Author & support
This project was created by Akshay Sharma.
If you appreciate my work, consider buying me a cup of :coffee: to keep me recharged :metal: by PayPal
I love using my work and I'm available for contract work. Freelancing helps to maintain and keep my open source projects up to date!