Andrey Kornich (Wide Spectrum Computing LLC)
Andrey Kornich (Wide Spectrum Computing LLC)
Right, but as a short-term solution, i suggested: Meanwhile, since we do support sending custom data with our payloads, you can add any data field of the crashReport object as...
my thinking was that you can "load" the last crash via `ErrorReport crashReport = Crashes.GetLastSessionCrashReportAsync().Result;` and then send its exception plus some extra custom data that you need from the...
yes, we most likely will eventually address the crash reporting. but most likely not earlier than the second half of 2020. unless we see it is becoming a very popular...
@TheWix , yes, that would be a useful feature to add. Let me see what level of priority it can get. We are in process of planning for Q3. Maybe...
Some hints that might be helpful in unifying the module definitions across the two package managers (based on my observations): - SwiftPM probably generates these multiple modules definitions based on...
Guys, any estimates on when this one could be addressed? It does prevent the usage of KSCrash via Cocoapods. Unless there is a workaround I don't know about.
@ftcvlad , we do not really have a solution. it is more like a workaround until KSCrash introduces a proper fix. It looks like the solution needs to be on...
@ftcvlad , oops, apparently, I already posted the name of the constant at the time I opened this issue (see my very first/initial comment here)...
@saravanan-selvam , not as far as I know. I tried to have a workaround for this by playing with the build setting on our side - but without any success...
@saravanan-selvam , thank you! Is the change already in? I do not see any commit linked to this issue...