WidgetBox copied to clipboard
Working example
Could you provide a small example how to use it?
@EvilGitty Sorry, I do not have currently. You need to compile it as Qt Creator Widgets Designer plugin:
qmake WidgetBox.pro
Then copy resulting library WidgetBox .dll or .so to Qt Creator plugin directory. After this it will be visible in Widgets Designer's widget box on the left. And you can put it into any .ui as any other widget. Do not forget to include #include "widgetbox.h"
into your sources.
Or you can use it programmatically as any other widget:
WidgetBox *wb = new WidgetBox(mainWindow) ;
this is exactly what I'm looking for. but in python, not c++. do you know of a python version, or can you explain the logic for how this was done? (I have made plugins for designer before using pyqt, but I am at a loss for how to do this)
Not sure about Python, sorry.
Hello akontsevich
Thank you very much for this plugin. This is exactly what I'm looking for. But the WidgetBox will not visible in the Widget-Box of my QTCreator.
- I've compiled your Project WidgetBox successful.
- Then i copied the libWidgetBoxPlugin.so file into this Directory: /opt/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/lib/qtcreator/plugins/
- I runned QTCreator. But the Widget Box is not visible.
I've tryed to run QTCreator with this parameter:
$ ./qtcreator -pluginpath {PATH-TO-THE-.so-FILE}
But the Widget Box is not visible.
Have I done something wrong?
I use version 6.0.1 of qtcreator.
Kind regards.
I do not remember these nuances: too much time passed. It worked for me.