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Spur is a web based network configuration manager. It allows you to ssh or telnet to any networked device (cisco routers, linux hosts,etc) and run commands through a web front-end. The results of thes...
Spur Setup
Spur is a web based network configuration manager. It allows you to ssh or telnet to any device and run commands through a web front-end. The results of these commands are stored and can be diff'd. Emails can be sent when there is a diff if you want.
System Requirements
Python - simply type "which python" in a command prompt to see if python is installed
Django 1.4 -
wget http://www.djangoproject.com/m/releases/1.4/Django-1.4.1.tar.gz
tar xzvf Django-1.4.1.tar.gz
cd Django-1.4.1
sudo python setup.py install
sqlite, mysql, postgres - I suggest running sqlite if you don't want to setup a daemon style db
sudo apt-get install sqlite
Python Requirements
croniter - sudo easy_install croniter django-mptt - sudo easy_install django-mptt pytz - sudo easy_install pytz
Spur Instalattion
Once you've met the system and python requirements, grab a copy of spur
git clone https://github.com/akonkol/spur.git
cd spur
vi spur/spur_settings.py #edit this file to match your enviornment
python manage.py syncdb #create an admin user
python manage.py runserver
Create a cronjob for spur
crontab -e
- /path/to/spur/manage.py spur-cron
Browse to spur http://your_fqdn_or_ip:8000