cordova-plugin-add-swift-support copied to clipboard
cordova plugin are simple JAVA api to one js script
You breach Cordorva integrity with this and mess up peoples installs ITs not JAVA to NODE we want its JAVA API to one script hook the plugin grants.... Thats a plugin in a nut shell,..... no NODE breaches .....
A plugin should never use sub plugins as a plugin as an install.... they are just JAVA APIs to one js script...... your trying to do both with one plugin and you mess up our plugins ..... with bridge scams to cordova module folder <<<<
Cordova plugins come in many forms. What you are trying to (incorrectly btw) describe is a plugin which provides new functions to Cordova applications.
This plugin is a second kind of plugin, which modifies the build process in ways normal Cordova configuration doesn't allow.
Also i am not sure if you are even commenting to correct repository - this plugin provides no API at all to Cordova. All the plugin does is to hook to specific Cordova build lifecycle events, and execute required modifications to the Xcode project and specific files, so the project would actually include Swift functionality for iOS apps.
This plugin is a second kind of plugin, which modifies the build process in ways normal Cordova configuration doesn't allow. correct you mess up our files ios and android share the same cordova module folder..... what you install for iOS effects android a NODE bridge .... When i debug with chrome you mess up debug secession also... where the can work with andoid....... your suppose to let cordova do that.... why not build you own cordova app.... it takes for ever to clean it out and tries to re install ...... that mess up ..... your like a virus to cordova
here is the error i get .... its a NODE module error..... i even uninstalled cordova NPM and it still hooks in..... nasty virus.... cordova is not NODE it only grants vanilla JavaScript
The power is in JAVA ........i need to reformat the computer its in NODE js and user file directory....
Caused by people who think they can improve cordova via NODE modules
vanilla javascript wont run errors like that.....
The picture you posted has literally ZERO things with this repository. This repository adds a Cordova hook to the build process which modifies files in platforms/ios folder exclusively. It doesn't touch anything in www or platforms/android or plugins folders at all, your screenshot is thus not related to this plugin at all.
Secondly, you are completely mistaken when you say your Java and Node things. Cordova is a Node application, which then produces applications with WebView, which loads a web application. That doesn't mean the Cordova hooks are written in Java, that would be just stupid and would complicate the build process. Cordova hooks are pretty much exclusively written in Node.js. Also you cannot code for iOS in Java. You do it in Swift or Objective C.
Third, your picture shows a complaint about Javascript code using ES6/ES2018 features outside strict mode. If you would actually show where the error shown up, most likely you would find it is in one of your frontend dependencies, which is written with ES6/ES2018 in mind, not ES5 which the browser expects. You probably need to run that dependency through babel in your build process (if you have one).