angular-deckgrid copied to clipboard
adding models to the source causes full redraw of the columns
first of all, thx for the nice plugin :)
I'm trying to get deckgrid to work nicely with ngInfiniteScroll, but it looks like the columns are redrawn for every new item added to the collection, is that correct ? I've seen a closed ticket where it's supposed to work.. I just can't see how.
My items are images, every time I add some new images, it triggers a complete redraw of the layout (including the new items, which is correct). All images are re-loaded, etc... which makes for a rather bad user experience...
Can you please let me know if there's a way to add new items to the source model without triggering a complete redraw ?
This is the solution I implemented (I know it can be done in a more elegant way, with regard to $$addElementsToColumns function but unfortunately I did not have much time):
Deckgrid.prototype.$$onModelChange = function $$onModelChange (newModel, oldModel) {
var self = this;
newModel = newModel || [];
oldModel = oldModel || [];
var newModelOldLength = angular.copy(newModel);
if(angular.equals(oldModel, newModelOldLength) && oldModel.length != 0){
var elementsToAdd = angular.copy(newModel);
elementsToAdd = elementsToAdd.splice(-(newModel.length - oldModel.length));
Deckgrid.prototype.$$addElementsToColumns = function $$addElementsToColumns (elements) {
var self = this;
if (!this.$$scope.layout) {
return $log.error('angular-deckgrid: No CSS configuration found (see ' +
angular.forEach(elements, function onIteration (card, index) {
index = self.$$getTotalElements();
var column = (index % self.$$scope.layout.columns) | 0;
if (!self.$$scope.columns[column]) {
self.$$scope.columns[column] = [];
card.$index = index;
Deckgrid.prototype.$$getTotalElements = function $$getTotalElements () {
var number = 0;
angular.forEach(this.$$scope.columns, function onIteration (value, index) {
number += value.length;
return number;
This is my fork
@symrad Thanks, your changes work great!