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Spring Boot Starter for Logback-access.

Results 19 logback-access-spring-boot-starter issues
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## Describe the problem you'd like to have solved I am currently using Micrometer Tracing and noticed that there is no traceId in the access log. I think adding this...


## Describe the bug Running locally using an IDEA results in NullPointerExceptions when attempting to log. Spring Boot Dependencies: Spring Boot Starter Parent 2.6.0 with Tomcat logback-access.xml ``` request_headers response_headers...


## Describe the problem you'd like to have solved our apps use slf4j as facade api, and log4j2 as the implementation. however, to enable accesslog in springboot, we have to...


I am trying to use logback-access-spring-boot-starter in an existing Java-tomcat-spring-mvc based spring boot application. Since this library used kotlin, I have added kotlin dependencies and the compilation succeeded. Although getting...


## Describe the bug ## To Reproduce ## Expected behavior ### Environment * **Version of this library used**:3.2.2 * **Version of Java used**:1.8


## Question ### The original problem `logback-access` has a feature that helps avoid polluting access logs with binary file content. This works OK for response bodies with `image/*` content type....


Hi, I didn't want to setup a new logfile destination - I just wanted to log via the application's main logging subsystem. I have quickly hacked together a bridge that...

Hi! It's common to have a load balancer or container orchestration system probing that your application is ready to serve traffic. At the moment, I'm using Janino to exclude those...

Do you have any plan about supporting reactor-netty, and spring cloud gateway can work with it.


We have the actuator on a different port, e.g. `management.server.port=9000` Actuator requests are not logging. How can we make actuator requests logs to access log? Thank you.