alpakka-kafka copied to clipboard
Alpakka Kafka connector - Alpakka is a Reactive Enterprise Integration library for Java and Scala, based on Reactive Streams and Akka.
### Short description `SingleSourceLogic` clears the buffer of accumulated records of revoked partitions only after new partitions are assigned. I think that this causes blocking `onRevoke` callback to wait for... ``` [info] - must wait for response and retryInterval before perform new ask *** FAILED *** (278 milliseconds) [info] java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: received unexpected message RealMessage(ListTopics,Actor[akka://KafkaConnectionCheckerSpec/system/testActor-123/$a#349783032]) after 0 millis...
### Versions used alpakka-kafka 2.0.1 ### Expected Behavior When using `Producer.committableSink(producerSettings, committerSettings)`, it is expected that the provided commit settings be respected, and that the progress of the stream be... I found an issue comment that mentioned this: ``` [error] Test docs.javadsl.ConsumerExampleTest.restartSource failed: java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: expected no StreamSupervisor children, but got [Actor[akka://ConsumerExampleTest/system/Materializers/StreamSupervisor-71/flow-10-0-ignoreSink#-132405203]], took 50.058s [error] at scala.Predef$.assert(Predef.scala:282)...
### Short description When using the kafka-avro-serializer deserializers in your Kafka Consumer any `SerializationException` are raised internally to the client and there's no convenient way for an Alpakka Kafka user...
Exception is: ``` java.lang.IllegalStateException: not yet initialized: only setHandler is allowed in GraphStageLogic constructor ```
...must merge multiple consumers` offsets for different partitions (#942) ``` [info] Multiple consumers to one committer [info] - must merge multiple consumers` offsets for different partitions (#942) *** FAILED ***...
``` [info] akka.kafka.TransactionsSourceSpec *** ABORTED *** (1 minute, 4 seconds) [info] java.lang.RuntimeException: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException [info] at akka.kafka.testkit.internal.KafkaContainerCluster.start( [info] at akka.kafka.testkit.internal.TestcontainersKafka$Spec.startKafka(TestcontainersKafka.scala:65) [info] at akka.kafka.testkit.internal.TestcontainersKafka$Spec.startKafka$(TestcontainersKafka.scala:53) [info] at akka.kafka.TransactionsSourceSpec.startKafka(TransactionsSourceSpec.scala:23) [info] at akka.kafka.testkit.scaladsl.TestcontainersKafkaPerClassLike.setUp(TestcontainersKafkaPerClassLike.scala:16) [info] at...
### Versions used akka-stream-kafka_2.11 version: 0.20 Kafka broker version: 1.1.1 **Topic config** DELETE_RETENTION_MS_CONFIG: "5000" CLEANUP_POLICY_CONFIG: "compact,delete" RETENTION_BYTES_CONFIG: 200000000000L RETENTION_MS_CONFIG: 36000000 **Consumer config** AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG: "earliest" ### Expected Behavior We expect to...
``` [info] RebalanceSpec: [info] Fetched records [info] - must actually show even if partition is revoked *** FAILED *** (8 seconds, 295 milliseconds) [info] java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: received unexpected message...