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A small class that uses Memcache to allow only a certain number of requests per a certain amount of minutes.

Results 4 php-ratelimiter issues
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Any chance on updating it so it will work with Memcached? Memcache is no longer used or suppoprted.

Hallo Alexander, For our own usage I adjusted this to work with memcached instead of memcache. If you're open to this you can merge. If you would rather keep it...

With this branch we can do this: ``` php $memcache = new Memcache; $memcache->connect('',11211); $rateLimiter = new RateLimiter($memcache, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]); try { // 10 requests / minute $rateLimiter->limitRequestsInMinutes(10, 1); } catch...

This PR will add composer support & PSR-4 autoloading. If merged, please submit the repo to [Packagist](