Livia-Valeriya Silvercrown

Results 45 comments of Livia-Valeriya Silvercrown

- DSharpPlus already offers scoping... in some places. inconsistently. with different quirks depending on where. generally, save for larger/more involved bots, we *are* the application host and therefore are the...

i can promise you right here and now that there will not be default configuration for handler concurrency or the ability to unregister handlers. that said, allowing users to override...

> ScopePerEvent / ScopePerEventHandler / NoScope is sufficient configuration for my use-case. that isn't happening, not because of library complexity (it's fairly trivial) but because it introduces a pitfall for...

do you have any stacktrace or other sort of error message, potentially in your CommandErrored event?

this might be fixed by #1647 once that's ready and merged, will need to specifically test for this

#1584 - renamed `Ready` to `SessionCreated`, `Resumed` to `SessionResumed` and `ReadyEventArgs` to `SessionReadyEventArgs`

#1616 removed user tokens and miscellaneous removed API fields

enums being moved to DSharpPlus.Entities and renamed to Discord* - #1672 #1673 #1674 and more, edit when more are merged

#1742 broke the naming of MessageFlags.SupressEmbeds to fix the spelling error

#1844 - broke just about every bot with enum naming