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slickGoTo inside useEffect doesn't work.
so I have following problem, I want my slider to go back to slide 6 after if anyone would try to swipe further. However it doesn't work. UseEffect is being triggered, IF condition is being met, but the function won't run. If I put the same function call inside JSX like first snippet below it works how it should:
<button onClick={() => sliderRef.current.slickGoTo(5)} >go to slide 6</button>
This is my code:
const [activeSlide, setActiveSlide] = useState(0)
const sliderRef = useRef(null)
const settings = {
variableWidth: true,
speed: 500,
pauseOnHover: false,
swipeToSlide: false,
focusOnSelect: false,
infinite: false,
slidesToScroll: 1,
arrows: false,
beforeChange: (current, next) => setActiveSlide(next)
useEffect(() => {
if (window.innerWidth > 1100 && activeSlide > 5) {
}, [activeSlide])
<Slider {...settings} className={sliderClass} ref={sliderRef}>
@adammo94 If you do sliderRef.current.slider.slickGoTo(5)
, it should work. Apparently the ref is given the whole Carousel instance, not just the slider.
Same issue here
@adammo94 If you do
, it should work. Apparently the ref is given the whole Carousel instance, not just the slider.
This gives me undefined
@adammo94 what happens if you console.log sliderRef.current inside the effect?
What if you try:
useEffect(() => { if (window.innerWidth > 1100 && activeSlide > 5) { sliderRef.current.slickGoTo(5) } }, [activeSlide, sliderRef.current])
any update on this issue? having the same problem.
The following keeps me working normally
const sliderRef = useRef(null);
<Slider ref={sliderRef} />
You've forgot to put in sliderRef.current
into dependency array of the useEffect:
useEffect(() => {
if (window.innerWidth > 1100 && activeSlide > 5) {
}, [activeSlide, sliderRef.current])
scratch that, refs do not affect rendering, so this will not do anything
It looks like sliderRef.current returns the DOM element instead of the slick instance. Any updates on this?
same problem here, tried above ideas but dont work. Any idea for a workaround?
cant figure out why its not working, please help
@pbl6asoad nope, tried the waitForAnimate, issue persists.
here is my code:
function ProductImage({
images, product, influencer, selectedVariant, hideDescription = false,
}: ProductImageProps) {
const [, setState] = useState(false);
const [index, setIndex] = useState(0);
const sliderImageRef = useRef(null);
const sliderNavRef = useRef(null);
const { t } = useTranslation();
useEffect(() => {
// on a new variant selection we want the image to slide to the variant image. However there is a bug in slickGoTo which is not working.
// if (selectedVariant && sliderImageRef) {
// sliderImageRef.current.slickGoTo(1);
// }
}, [selectedVariant, sliderImageRef]);
const currentProduct = Array.isArray(product) ? product[index] : product;
const CarouselComponent = (
asNavFor={sliderImageRef && sliderImageRef.current}
// eslint-disable-next-line no-return-assign
images?.map((image) => <NavigationImage key={image.src} src={image.src} />)
asNavFor={sliderNavRef && sliderNavRef.current}
// eslint-disable-next-line no-return-assign
appendDots={(dots) => (
<ul> {dots} </ul>
<TabletAvatar product={currentProduct} influencer={influencer} />
images?.map((image) => (
src: image.src,
title: image.alt,
alt: image.alt,
return (
export default ProductImage;
and an impression:
any suggestion on how to solve this?
@akiran @devdpontes : Any updates on this? For me its working on 2nd click. But not the first!
@akiran @devdpontes : Any updates on this? For me its working on 2nd click. But not the first!
@aniruddhashevle Sorry for the late reply but we've decided to migrate to a smaller alternative, so unfortunately I can't give more input on this at the moment. I can try to checkout the previous code at some point and see if I can help figure out what could be happening.
Any updates or workarounds on this issue? @akiran @devdpontes
@ankumar3 Not sure on the cause. But for me, I have found that useRef
doesn't work and I needed to create a state reference. So, instead of:
const sliderRef = useRef(null);
<Slider ref={ sliderRef }>
I had to use the following:
const [ slickSlider, setSlickSlider ] = useState(null);
<Slider ref={ slider => setSlickSlider( slider ) }>
I found this out from this example.
Awesome, thanks for sharing @jaredparker
In my case, I needed to open a particular slide on Carousel Init only so I used the Slider onInit like this:
const onInit = () => {setInitState(true)} ... <Slider ref={ sliderRef } onInit={onInit}>
And then used the useEffect:
useEffect(() => { sliderRef.current?.slickGoTo(index) }, [initState])
What helped me:
const sliderRef = useRef(null); useEffect(() => sliderRef.current?.innerSlider?.changeSlide({ message: 'index', index: 0 }, true), [])
Got that from reading react-slick code
Hi everyone! Just add second argument. I think it is animation bag, and need to turn off it. For me worked sliderRef.current.slickGoTo(selectedIndex, true) I found this out from API
Hey guys, any updates on this issue? None of the solutions worked for me. Is it planned to be fixed?