toggleterm.nvim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
toggleterm.nvim copied to clipboard

Compared with terminal command, one more shell process will be opened

Open lost22git opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments


屏幕截图 2022-03-22 210325


屏幕截图 2022-03-22 210430

lost22git avatar Mar 22 '22 13:03 lost22git


shell = 'pwsh.exe',
shellcmdflag = '-NoLogo -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Command [Console]::InputEncoding=[Console]::OutputEncoding=[System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8;',
shellpipe = '2>&1 | Out-File -Encoding UTF8 %s; exit $LastExitCode',
shellredir = '2>&1 | Out-File -Encoding UTF8 %s; exit $LastExitCode',
shellquote = '',
shellxquote = ''

toggleterm config

-- config toggleterm
vim.cmd [[
    noremap <silent><leader>vh <cmd>ToggleTerm dir=. direction=horizontal<cr>
    noremap <silent><leader>vv <cmd>ToggleTerm dir=. direction=vertical<cr>
    noremap <silent><leader>vf <cmd>ToggleTerm dir=. direction=float<cr>
require("toggleterm").setup {
    -- size can be a number or function which is passed the current terminal
    size = function(term)
        if term.direction == "horizontal" then
            return 15
        elseif term.direction == "vertical" then
            return vim.o.columns * 0.4
    open_mapping = '<A-2>',
    -- on_open = fun(t: Terminal), -- function to run when the terminal opens
    -- on_close = fun(t: Terminal), -- function to run when the terminal closes
    -- on_stdout = fun(t: Terminal, job: number, data: string[], name: string) -- callback for processing output on stdout
    -- on_stderr = fun(t: Terminal, job: number, data: string[], name: string) -- callback for processing output on stderr
    -- on_exit = fun(t: Terminal, job: number, exit_code: number, name: string) -- function to run when terminal process exits
    hide_numbers = true, -- hide the number column in toggleterm buffers
    shade_filetypes = {},
    shade_terminals = true,
    -- shading_factor = '<number>', -- the degree by which to darken to terminal colour, default: 1 for dark backgrounds, 3 for light
    start_in_insert = true,
    insert_mappings = true, -- whether or not the open mapping applies in insert mode
    terminal_mappings = true, -- whether or not the open mapping applies in the opened terminals
    persist_size = true,
    direction = 'float', -- 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'window' | 'float',
    close_on_exit = true, -- close the terminal window when the process exits
    shell =, -- change the default shell
    -- This field is only relevant if direction is set to 'float'
    float_opts = {
        -- The border key is *almost* the same as 'nvim_open_win'
        -- see :h nvim_open_win for details on borders however
        -- the 'curved' border is a custom border type
        -- not natively supported but implemented in this plugin.
        border = 'single', -- 'single' | 'double' | 'shadow' | 'curved',
        --   width = <value>,
        --   height = <value>,
        winblend = 3,
        highlights = {
            border = "Normal",
            background = "Normal"

lost22git avatar Mar 22 '22 13:03 lost22git

@lost4git apologies for not commenting on here, just didn't have time. This seems like it's still an issue and maybe changes that come out of #219 will fix this but maybe not, so I'll keep this issue open anyway

akinsho avatar May 04 '22 15:05 akinsho