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🏡 dotfiles



My dotfiles including zsh, (n)vim and tmux config files (stashed away in case of laptop armageddon).

I thought I'd document for myself and for others potentially some of the setup involved in the programs my dotfiles cover.

Please DO NOT fork or clone this repo. It isn't a distro it's intended for my personal usage, and perhaps some inspiration, not complete duplication. If you see something weird or wrong please raise an issue instead.


The installation script is out of date and doesn't work anymore. To set up a new machine instead follow these instructions:

  1. Check git is installed.
  2. (macOS) Install homebrew using the most recent instructions.


  • neovim
  • homebrew (macOS)
  • ripgrep
  • fzf
  • delta
  • prettier
  • stylua

Highlights / Tools

  • Kitty/Alacritty GPU-accelerated terminal emulators

  • Nvim

  • Language server support using Neovim's LSP

  • Minimal Zsh config without oh-my-zsh, async prompt for large monorepos.

Zsh Prompt


I manage my setup using dotbot. To set up symlinks run ./install in the root directory of the repository

This package manages symlinking my config files to the correct directories. It's a little more complex than GNU Stow but much less than Ansible