Akilesh Badrinaaraayanan
Akilesh Badrinaaraayanan
Hi Matt, I am trying to reproduce your results on Pacman dataset. When running the pre-process step, I am getting the following warnings: "Overflow encountered in square", "Invalid value encountered...
Hi, Thanks for providing such a well-written and nicely commented code. We are trying to run your code on UCF101 and Sports1m dataset as the authors of the original paper...
If I increase both the HEIGHT and WIDTH from 5 to 10 keeping the obstacles and the final goal at the same position, Deep SARSA network doesn't seem to converge....
I followed the procedure mentioned in http://intellabs.github.io/Latte.jl/latest/setup/ for setting up Latte. However, the last step to test if everything was installed properly julia> Pkg.test("Latte") is failing. Below is the error...