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Remove feature: Integrate with Checklist plugin.
As I posted above, I'm going to remove the feature to integrate Checklists plugin (free version). I'll remove this feature at the next release, including maintenance release for 0.3-stable and 1.x.
Why remove this feature?
This limited feature was released since v0.1.3.
But now I don't have much time to use Redmine and it's difficult for me to keep following version-up activities not only of Redmine but also Checklist plugin. Redmine version 4.x (or next major version) may change the jQuery's version.
With this upcoming change, it can be difficult to maintain the basic functionality of the Issue template.
Related Issue:
If you want to use the functionality of the checklist template, I think users should use the paid version. It's fair use and a good position to respect each other and the developers.
What happens if this feature removed?
- Issue Template create / update form
- The place that checklists defined is removed.
- Issue create / upadte form
- In case you use Checklist plugin, you have to create desired checklists manually.
1. Use the paid version of the Checklist plugin
2. Write down the JavaScript code by yourself
Here is the code that the Issue Templates plugin creates checklists dynamically.
It's not so complicated code. Maybe all you have to do is porting the function named addChecklist
into your JavaScript code.
(ℹ️ View Customize plugin is quite helpful for these requirements!)
The argument (named "obj") is a JavaScript object.
The obj
has a key named "checklist" and its value is an array.
// Just porting the above function in your JavaScript.
function addCheckList (obj) {
let list = obj.checklist
if (list == null) return false
let checklistForm = document.getElementById('checklist_form')
if (!checklistForm) return
// NOTE: If Checklist does not work fine, please confirm its version and the DOM element of
// checklist input field exists.
try {
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
let node = document.querySelector(' > span.checklist-edit-box > input.edit-box')
if (node) {
node.value = list[i]
document.querySelector(' >').click()
} catch (e) {
console.log(`NOTE: Checklist could not be applied due to this error. ${e.message} : ${e.message}`)
// Define the object which has checklists (as Array).
const obj = {
checklist: [
"ToDo Item: 1",
"ToDo Item: 2",
"ToDo Item: 3"
// Pass the value.
// May the force be with you!
Please note: console.log(`NOTE: Checklist could not be applied due to this error. ${e.message} : ${e.message}`)
may not work correctly if you use IE11 or legacy browser.
You can replace to:
// Not work on IE11
// console.log(`NOTE: Checklist could not be applied due to this error. ${e.message} : ${e.message}`)
// Please change not to use template literal
console.log('NOTE: Checklist could not be applied due to this error. ' + ${e.message} + ' : ' + ${e.message})
今後リリース予定のIssue Template 1.0.5, (または0.3-stableブランチ)では、Checklistプラグイン連携を廃止します。
ただし、Checklistプラグインのソースの最新版を都度入手しないといけないこと、ユーザのバージョンに沿った組み合わせで確認しないといけないことなど、本来のIssue Templateの機能以外のところでの工数が非常に発生しています。
代替案 / 回避策
※現在 Issue Template 1.0xのバージョンで採用している、カスタムフィールドや標準フィールドへのテンプレート対応も、上記のようにAPI的にサーバ側からJSONを渡し、フロントエンドでJavaScriptを利用して各フィールドに値を適用させています。
hi, before removing "checklist" feature, can you please fix this bug 1st :
that issue is because of this commit :
on previous commit, still working well :
and i tested it using redmine checklist plugin, paid/pro version...
This defect is caused by the script related to Checklists.
hi, before removing "checklist" feature, can you please fix this bug 1st :
Please confirm: Next bug fix is the same to remove this Checklist integration feature.
Pull request to remove this feature was merged into develop.
The final version to support Checklist integration was released as v1.0.5.
I'm going to release v1.1.0 which drops off the feature, as soon as possible.
Redmine Issue Template v1.1.0 was released.
From this version, the checklist integration feature was dropped.
I will no longer maintain v1.0.x because I don't have much time to use Redmine and it's difficult for me to keep following version-up activities not only of Redmine but also Checklist plugin.
If you hope to use this obsolete feature, please use v1.0.5 or falk and customize this version.
It's fair use and a good position to respect each other and the developers. And I'd like to say my great thanks to Checklist plugin developers.
Redmine Issue Template 1.1.0をリリースしました。 このバージョンからはチェックリスト連携を外しています。もし必要な場合は、v1.0.5 を利用してください。
今後v1.0.5を含む 1.0.xはサポートしません。Redmine本体のバージョンが上がったり、JavaScriptやHTML要素の変更が入り動かなくなった場合もサポートはしません。
1.1.x 以降、もしくはmasterブランチのみで、Redmine本体に追従したサポートを行います。
これは、上記に記載の通り、Checklistプラグインのソースの最新版を都度入手しないといけないこと、ユーザのバージョンに沿った組み合わせで確認しないといけないことなど、本来のIssue Templateの機能以外のところでの工数が非常に発生しているためです。 また、Checklistプラグインは有償版でテンプレートの機能を持っているので、本来は必要であればプラグイン開発側への妥当な対価として、有償版を入手して利用いただくべきとも考えています。
なお、引き続き IE11をお使いの方は 1.0.x および 1.1.x 系の動作は保証しません。 安定版の 0.3-stable ブランチをご利用ください。