Thanks, Jim >The correct code should presumably be: >from open-worm-analysis-toolbox import user_config When I run `test_setup.py` script with the line, I have still got error message. aki@ubuntu:~/github/open-worm-analysis-toolbox/tools$ python test_setup.py File...
I have tested few things additionally, hopefully this help to figure out the issue. #1 After installation of open-worm-analysis-toolbox,I run following command lines: `python3 setup.py build` `python3 setup.py install --user`...
Thanks for your help, Jim >from open_worm_analysis_toolbox import user_config Thanks. I fixed it. and there is not more error on the section. >OpenCV is not properly installed, thus the cv2...
Thank you. >are you sure you have created a file called user_config.py? Yes, I think so. The file location is: `aki@ubuntu:~/Documents/Programs/ open-worm-analysis-toolbox/open_worm_analysis_toolbox$ ls config.py prefeatures travis_config.txt utils.py features __pycache__ user_config.py...
I think I found what the cause is. This may not be the solution (& I am sure you can find a better way.) In my way, I made two...
Thanks for the tips, Michel and ver228 I think I could installed open-worm-analysis toolbox on ubuntu. however, the same problem reimans to run the program. I mean, I following the...
Thanks, Michael. I really appreciate about this. Best
Is there any update? or can I try different datasets rather than example_contour_and_skeleton_info.mat or the files shown in example section? Thank you very much. Sincerely
Thank you. Best regards On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 3:50 PM, Michael Currie wrote: > Sorry for the delay, I will hope to look at this on the weekend...