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Populate a MongoDB collection with OpenStreetMap data
osmo: Populate a MongoDB collection with OpenStreetMap data
osmo populates a MongoDB database collection with all nodes, ways and relations
Currently, only OSM XML (.osm) is supported
It's just slightly slower than Osmosis (with Postgres)
Prerequisites: see DEPENDENCY
(A priority is it to make this work in both Mac OS and Linux!)
To add an index on the primary key:
mongo DATABASE --eval
"printjson(db.COLLECTION.ensureIndex({ p: 1, id: 1 }, { unique: true, dropDups: true, background: true }))"
Data model
The data model supported by osmo is focussed on minimal data size and unification. Some principles:
nodes, ways and relations are transformed to GeoObject instances to unify the concept and to simplify queries on only 1 collection
Every geoObject has a key named "p" (prefix). It can have the values, "n" (node), "w" (way) or "r" (relation).
keys for regular fields (user, timestamp, ...) are abbreviated to save space
The geoObject primary key is [ 'p', 'id' ]
Example for a GeoObject instance:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4e3213dbe9b522a655e3f5ff"), "c" : 4977984, "id" : 318214, "p" : "r", "parts" : { "list" : [ { "p" : "n", "id" : 319621296 }, { "p" : "n", "id" : 560090559 }, { "p" : "n", "id" : 292635574 }, { "p" : "n", "id" : 292635576 }, { "p" : "n", "id" : 245431191 }, { "p" : "w", "id" : 48289915 }, { "p" : "w", "id" : 49366289 }, ... ], "info" : [ { "role" : "forward" }, { "role" : "forward" }, { "role" : "" }, { "role" : "forward" }, { "role" : "" }, { "role" : "forward" }, { "role" : "forward" }, ... ] }, "t" : 1276427410, "tags" : { "network" : "VRT", "operator" : "SWT", "ref" : "4", "route" : "bus", "type" : "route" }, "u" : { "id" : 109925, "name" : "WanMil" }, "v" : 6 }
"parts" is an ObjectView object that has always two properties: "list" (a list of GeoObject references) and "info" (that optionally holds information about the referenced objects in the same order). GeoObjects with p=n do not have parts, with p=w, parts are always references to nodes, with p=r parts can reference any type (node, way, relation).
Take a look at TODO to see a list of priorized features that are still lacking.