Akhil Pandey
Akhil Pandey
@eamsen hey hi ! i'd like to contribute to this project !! Can i be of of any help ?
Oh Thanks @eamsen i guess i'll pick the issue regrading writing TCP/http interface that will enable per user request !! Can you guide me what are all the prerequisites for...
Cool i have already fixed the issue. I am halfway through it. I will send the working PR soon. Thanks
👍 Yes i believe there should be a feature of this sort. I support this.
i got this @miketaylr PS : Although Microsoft now supports web extensions there are couple of problems which are to be focused. Let me go ahead and test.
yep @miketaylr
@miketaylr i am looking for contribution, can you please help me. I am interested to contribute to web compatibility
@miketaylr i will be on this