Alexey Khatmullin
Alexey Khatmullin
@vadymmarkov Yes, it is.
@vadymmarkov I use version 3.4.0 I looked at the code a little bit and my suggestion that there is a different JSONs structure. For example, we have the array of...
Our team using RESideMenu with XIB instead of storyboards. Yeah, this is possible!
Our team using AppDelegate as singleton. We add RESideMenu object to AppDelegate as property: @property (nonatomic, strong) RESideMenu *sideMenu; For example: [AppDelegate sharedInstance].sideMenu if you are using AppDelegate as singleton...
I'm try add breakpoint at first line of method 'calloutClicked' in file SMCalloutView.m and this has no effect. This method not calling when I tap calloutView. While we are waiting...
Hello! I'm using not only MKMapView. GMSMapView using too. And with GMSMapView all working normally. I found error. All will be work if we sending our MKMapView in method presentCalloutFromRect:inView:constrainedToView:animated:
Yes, and we having mistake exactly into Sample project. This is from file MapKitComparisonController.m (line 115) [self.calloutView presentCalloutFromRect:annotationView.bounds inView:annotationView constrainedToView:self.view animated:YES]; If we will to present callout as in this...
Дополню: отсутствие иконки в статус баре не гарантирует того, что службы геолокации не используются.