Åke Sandgren
Åke Sandgren
Remember that both pmi and pmi2 has been deprecated in Slurm and have been moved to the contribs section. Can't remember which version that was done in. To enable them...
FYI, for gaussian itself the only thing you need in the module is (assuming the easyconfig uses easyblock=Tarball) wthat this generates. ``` start_dir = '..' postinstallcmds = [ 'mkdir %(installdir)s/bin',...
@sassy-crick as long as you have enough IOPS ...
@boegelbot Please test @ jsc-zen2
@boegelbot Please test @ generoso
Test report by @akesandgren **FAILED** Build succeeded for 2 out of 7 (4 easyconfigs in total) b-cn1603.hpc2n.umu.se - Linux Ubuntu 22.04, x86_64, AMD EPYC 7313 16-Core Processor, 1 x NVIDIA...
@Micket Ping on the HDF5 version changes
@boegel I think your eyes are needed on this
Hiding the extra attribs in CVMFS only solves the problem for CVMFS, Lustre may also have larger attributes an d is also susceptible to the same problem. Also see #4234
Going in, thanks @Flamefire!