Åke Sandgren
Åke Sandgren
Perhaps not.... rebuilding it... And yes, it was built with 4.4.0...
Test report by @akesandgren **SUCCESS** Build succeeded for 1 out of 1 (1 easyconfigs in total) b-cn1113.hpc2n.umu.se - Linux Ubuntu 20.04, x86_64, Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v4 @ 2.60GHz, Python...
I've installed it and thrown it at the user who requested it.
their ci/test.sh says ``` # WIP: test_launcher is allowed to fail; not all tests pass ./tests/amgx_tests_launcher ``` so perhaps all is fine?
Not yet, I'm working out exactly how to run the tests, and which ones, to have a base level that we would expect to pass... I can get a lot...
And as for testing, this works: ``` local_tests = 'AggregatesCoarseGeneratorTest AggregatesDeterminism CAPIFailure CAPIVersionCheck ' local_tests += 'ClassicalStrengthTest ConfigStringParsing CsrMultiplyTests_Poisson27_100_100 ' local_tests += 'CsrMultiplyTests_Poisson27_10_10 CsrMultiplyTests_Poisson5_100_100 CsrMultiplyTests_Poisson5_10_10 ' local_tests += 'CsrMultiplyTests_Poisson7_100_100 CsrMultiplyTests_Poisson7_10_10...
Test report by @akesandgren **SUCCESS** Build succeeded for 1 out of 1 (1 easyconfigs in total) b-cn1312.hpc2n.umu.se - Linux Ubuntu 20.04, x86_64, Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v4 @ 2.60GHz, Python...
Eh, there are .so versions of all the libmkl_blacs_* so i'm not sure what you mean by this.
Test report by @akesandgren **SUCCESS** Build succeeded for 5 out of 5 (2 easyconfigs in this PR) b-an03.hpc2n.umu.se - Linux ubuntu 16.04, Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v4 @ 2.60GHz, Python...
I will produce some suggestions to this in a while, currently testing a build of a slightly different CUDA version So don't merge just yet.