the-one copied to clipboard
Compilation error on windows 10
Trying compile on windows 10, when I run the ./compile.bat
PS C:\Users\Faris\Desktop\lora\the-one> .\compile.bat
C:\Users\Faris\Desktop\lora\the-one>set targetdir=target
C:\Users\Faris\Desktop\lora\the-one>IF NOT EXIST "target" mkdir target
C:\Users\Faris\Desktop\lora\the-one>javac -sourcepath src -d target -extdirs lib/ src/core/*.java src/movement/*.java src/report/*.java src/routing/*.java src/gui/*.java src/input/*.java src/applications/*.java src/interfaces/*.java
error: option -extdirs not allowed with target 13
C:\Users\Faris\Desktop\lora\the-one>IF NOT EXIST "target\gui\buttonGraphics" (
mkdir target\gui\buttonGraphics
copy src\gui\buttonGraphics\* target\gui\buttonGraphics\
After referring the #74 , changed the compile.bat file line 5 -extdirs to -cp and after that getting more errors.
PS C:\Users\Faris\Desktop\lora\the-one> .\compile.bat
C:\Users\Faris\Desktop\lora\the-one>set targetdir=target
C:\Users\Faris\Desktop\lora\the-one>IF NOT EXIST "target" mkdir target
C:\Users\Faris\Desktop\lora\the-one>javac -sourcepath src -d target -cp lib/ src/core/*.java src/movement/*.java src/report/*.java src/routing/*.java src/gui/*.java src/input/*.java
src/applications/*.java src/interfaces/*.java
src\core\ error: package fi.tkk.netlab.dtn.ecla does not exist
import fi.tkk.netlab.dtn.ecla.Bundle;
src\core\ error: package fi.tkk.netlab.dtn.ecla does not exist
import fi.tkk.netlab.dtn.ecla.CLAParser;
src\core\ error: cannot find symbol
private static Map<DTNHost, CLAParser> CLAs = null;
symbol: class CLAParser
location: class DTN2Manager
src\core\ error: cannot find symbol
private static Map<String, Bundle> bundles = null;
symbol: class Bundle
location: class DTN2Manager
src\report\ error: package fi.tkk.netlab.dtn.ecla does not exist
import fi.tkk.netlab.dtn.ecla.CLAParser;
src\input\ error: package fi.tkk.netlab.dtn does not exist
import fi.tkk.netlab.dtn.DTNConsoleConnection;
src\input\ error: package fi.tkk.netlab.dtn.ecla does not exist
import fi.tkk.netlab.dtn.ecla.Bundle;
src\input\ error: package fi.tkk.netlab.dtn.ecla does not exist
import fi.tkk.netlab.dtn.ecla.CLAInterface;
src\input\ error: package fi.tkk.netlab.dtn.ecla does not exist
import fi.tkk.netlab.dtn.ecla.CLAParser;
src\core\ error: cannot find symbol
public static CLAParser getParser(DTNHost host) {
symbol: class CLAParser
location: class DTN2Manager
src\core\ error: cannot find symbol
public static void addBundle(String id, Bundle bundle) {
symbol: class Bundle
location: class DTN2Manager
src\core\ error: cannot find symbol
public static Bundle getBundle(String id) {
symbol: class Bundle
location: class DTN2Manager
src\input\ error: cannot find symbol
private Map<String, Bundle> bundle_list;
symbol: class Bundle
location: class DTN2Events
src\input\ error: cannot find symbol
public class ParserHandler implements CLAInterface {
symbol: class CLAInterface
location: class DTN2Events
src\input\ error: cannot find symbol
private void enqueMsg(int from, int to, Bundle bundle) {
symbol: class Bundle
location: class DTN2Events
src\input\ error: cannot find symbol
private void regMsg(Bundle bundle) {
symbol: class Bundle
location: class DTN2Events
src\input\ error: cannot find symbol
private boolean isReg(Bundle bundle) {
symbol: class Bundle
location: class DTN2Events
src\input\ error: cannot find symbol
private DTNConsoleConnection console;
symbol: class DTNConsoleConnection
location: class DTN2Events.ParserHandler
src\input\ error: package CLAParser does not exist
CLAParser.BundleAttributes attributes) {
src\input\ error: cannot find symbol
public BundleTransferReceipt incomingBundle(String location,
symbol: class BundleTransferReceipt
location: class DTN2Events.ParserHandler
src\core\ error: cannot find symbol
DTN2Manager.CLAs = new HashMap<DTNHost, CLAParser>();
symbol: class CLAParser
location: class DTN2Manager
src\core\ error: cannot find symbol
DTN2Manager.bundles = new HashMap<String, Bundle>();
symbol: class Bundle
location: class DTN2Manager
src\core\ error: cannot find symbol
CLAParser p;
symbol: class CLAParser
location: class DTN2Manager
src\core\ error: cannot find symbol
p = new CLAParser(dtnd_host, dtnd_port, "ONE");
symbol: class CLAParser
location: class DTN2Manager
src\report\ error: cannot find symbol
CLAParser p = DTN2Manager.getParser(to);
symbol: class CLAParser
location: class DTN2Reporter
src\input\ error: cannot find symbol
this.bundle_list = new HashMap<String, Bundle>();
symbol: class Bundle
location: class DTN2Events
src\input\ error: package CLAInterface does not exist
CLAInterface.BundleTransferReceipt r =
src\input\ error: package CLAInterface does not exist
new CLAInterface.BundleTransferReceipt();
src\input\ error: cannot find symbol
Bundle bundle = new Bundle(new_f);
symbol: class Bundle
location: class DTN2Events.ParserHandler
Bundle bundle = new Bundle(new_f);
symbol: class Bundle
location: class DTN2Events.ParserHandler
src\input\ error: cannot find symbol
this.console = new DTNConsoleConnection(this.c_host, this.c_port);
symbol: class DTNConsoleConnection
location: class DTN2Events.ParserHandler
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: src\gui\ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
31 errors
C:\Users\Faris\Desktop\lora\the-one>IF NOT EXIST "target\gui\buttonGraphics" (
mkdir target\gui\buttonGraphics
copy src\gui\buttonGraphics\* target\gui\buttonGraphics\
Thanks 🙂