pim-community-dev copied to clipboard
Project directory "/srv/pim" is not empty.
:bug: I'm reporting a Bug :bug:
Please update to the last available patch for the version.
For version >= 1.4, please go to "System > system info", download the text report and attach it to the issue.
Then explain the expected behavior, the encountered behavior and the steps to reproduce.
Please note that we do offer support only in a "best effort" mode without any engagment on the resolution time.
:wrench: I'm submitting a Feature Request :wrench:
Explain the use case and the expected behavior. We will consider it and submit to the Core team.
:question: I'm asking a Question :question:
Please submit your question via the Akeneo Slack user group https://akeneopim-ug.herokuapp.com/
:paperclip: I'm using the Enterprise Edition :paperclip:
Please use your access to our support service desk.
I ran into the same issue. You have to verify that the /srv/pim folder is empty completely, also without .xxx. files like .git. Otherwise, the system will not copy the project into this folder. Run the commands in the empty /srv/pim folder. Your user needs write permissions in this folder.
My clean installing : 1- Install yarn : https://linuxhint.com/install_yarn_ubuntu/
2- Install node : sudo apt install npm
3- mkdir srv/pim
4- chmod 777 srv
5- cd srv/pim
6- chmod 777 pim
7 - Install Docker : https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/ 8- Install docker compose : sudo apt install docker-compose
9 - Donwload Akeneo docker in /srv/pim : https://github.com/akeneo/pim-community-standard
10 - enable 8080 port : sudo ufw allow 8080/tcp
11 - show Akeneo in browser: http://ip-adress:8080/
Hope it'll be useful .
@Houda-Ahbella You'll need to provide more details for the steps you're taking to produce the error as there are many elements that could be responsible.
There is a chance that this issue is a duplicate of https://github.com/akeneo/pim-community-dev/issues/13432 so it could be worth reading this thread as well.
My personal experience was that you need to make sure the folder you are installing into is completely empty, meaning no hidden files (even the .git folder).
just had a similar issue on macOS
docker run -ti -u www-data --rm \
-v $PWD:/Users/jusurb/Projects/pim -v ~/.composer:/var/www/.composer -w /Users/jusurb/Projects/pim \
akeneo/pim-php-dev:8.1 php /usr/local/bin/composer create-project \
akeneo/pim-community-standard /Users/jusurb/Projects/pim -vv
will produce
Project directory "/Users/jusurb/Projects/pim" is not empty.
but such folder doesn't exist at all
➜ Projects ls -ls pim
ls: pim: No such file or directory
➜ Projects ls -ls pim/
ls: pim/: No such file or directory
➜ Projects ls -la | grep pim