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Back door adjustments
First version of exaustive search minimal admissable sets that satisfy the back door criterion.
It is based on a d-separation function from pgmpy package ( It implements an algorithm found in "Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques" - Koller and Friedman. Is it possible to integrate that piece of code giving the proper credit to the coders? ( That packagee is under MIT License but I do not know much about licenses)
I have also found a polinomial time version of the minimal admissable sets algorithm described in by Johannes Textor and implementedin his cool project DAGitty ( which is a javascript browser-based causal inference analyzer.
At the last minute I realized that you use different naming conventions for functions while I use camelCase naming convention. I can change that later if the rest of the code is ok.
Forgot to mention, it only works with DAGs at this moment
Hello Adam,
I have finally found some time to improve the PR code. Mainly, I have
- Changed the function names so that it has the same naming convention that you use.
- Converted the function into a generator function as you suggested for MVP
- Improved the test coverage which will be useful in order to check a polynomial time version of the same algorithm.
- Temporarly added all the code that is used from pgmpy (all is stored in so that it is easier to check how the code works.