Akash Kamble
Akash Kamble
1. Zero downtime release strategy 2. Prep 3. API reviews 4. Changelog 5. Timeline evaluation
Resources: EMVCo Specs: https://www.emvco.com/specifications/?tax%5Bspecifications_categories%5D%5B32%5D%5B%5D=429
So currently version of `react-orca-js` was older and rescript version also old. Upgraded to latest version and removed unnecessary packages. https://bitbucket.juspay.net/projects/EXC/repos/react-orca-js/pull-requests/9/overview
~~Current SDK is pointing to sandbox.hyperswitch.io for backend api calls, which has to be replaced with app.hyperswitch.io/api example, sandbox.hyperswitch.io/health will from now be app.hyperswitch.io/api/health~~ This will be done via infra...