python_real_time_strategy_game icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
python_real_time_strategy_game copied to clipboard

This is an RTS-like game written in Python 3 with arcade library. This is my most ambitious project up to date, since I try to overcome Python's shortcomings and make as efficiently-running game as po...

Results 16 python_real_time_strategy_game issues
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Units have some strange issues with detecting and keeping track of detected enemies on isometric map. They "forget" about detected enemies, and sometimes they do not detect them at all.


Cross of the MouseCursor class is not drawn correctly when viewport moves far from the oruigin. ![cross-surcos](


MiniMap requires data from map, and both IsometricMap and MiniMap should be adjusted to work with each other.


Each frame there are dozens of dog sprites rendered and each Unit is 'revealing' a portion of the fog of war which must be updated and redrawn. There must be...


For now each Unit is testing, if it's QuadTree should be chanmged every time that Unit moves to another Tile. It lead to in_bounds() method call, which is expensive. If...


First time construction options are loaded, if there are many of them, the refereshing of UI takes too long. Requires optimization.


Isometric map requires isometric Units with correct angles.


Isometric map require isometric sprites.


Instantiating FogOfWar is impossible with isometric map. It causes that Units are not working properly, and even Cursor crashes game when you select an Unit because there is a check...


Isometric maps would require isometric QuadTrees. Should be simple to implement.
