Hello! I'm just starting with AR (actually with the whole Web XR ecosystem, AFrame etc.) First of all, kudos for that library! Your library is working flawlessly (upon some test...
Hi, I'm interested to contribute in order to offer some sort of localization of the inflexions. Before going to add a particular language. I wanted to discuss for the "architecture"...
Hello and thank you for your plugin. Is it possible to set a keyboard shortcut to a given `Run Single` command? My usage of this plugin is like that: -...
Hi there.. I discovered your YouTube channel not so long ago as I'm starting learning and practicing kubernetes.. So while I'm here I also wanted to thank you. But when...
Hello, First of all thank you for this! I tried another project that was working like a charm https://github.com//asus-linux-drivers/asus-numberpad-driver but it has a very noticeable (and annoying) delay for keypresses....