Alexandre Kabla
Alexandre Kabla
@ab2425 While working on the doc for this section, I realise that the AFM interface is not named properly. I think we should call it "Hertz" as it is more...
Good progress here, tests added, importcsv improved to match the usage of the new version #115 Documentation needs more examples, so moved to milestone 0.9.5.
Thanks, @moustachio-belvedere . That makes sense. Maybe we can switch to a function in DSP instead, so that we can reduce the list of required packages. I'll keep this open...
This may be relevant: ``` function smooth(x::Vector, window_len::Int=7, window::Symbol=:lanczos) w = getfield(DSP.Windows, window)(window_len) return DSP.filtfilt(w ./ sum(w), [1.0], x) end ``` Various windows are available:
A draft function `smooth2` exists on the dev branch for testing. The current `smooth` function takes a timescale, rather than a number of sample, to define the kernel. That seems...
getsigma works fine for your Gaussian kernel, but it may not be the right approach for an arbitrary kernel using DSP. The padding is not quite the same between the...
I'd say that the loading of the experimental data is fairly independent of the internal storage and processing afterwards. We could easily convert one into the other when the files...
The functions `onlytime`, `onlystress`, `onlystrain` and `onlyfreq` now replace `extract`, which is deprecated. #23
Function freezeparams replaces freeze_params.
> Can we add a subtask to this list to update the API section of docs to add remove functions as needed? Thanks Louis, this is definitely part of the...