obsidian-extract-pdf-highlights copied to clipboard
There's no spacing between words
After extracting the highlighted pdf, the extracted .md file has no spacing between words
i have the same problem
Just adding that I have the same problem. The PDF I used is a journal article in 2 column format.
Same for me. Tried a few different ones from my Zotero and same result.
Same here. No space between words. This plugin is really helpful for students and educators.
Same here. I'm attaching my system's specification and a pdf file in case it helps anything.
OS: Ubuntu 18.04
Obsidian: 0.11.09
PDF Highlights: 0.0.4
PDF file: dam2019.pdf with a single annotation on page 1 made with Okular; btw, Zotfile could capture this annotation correctly.
Same here.
Anyone know of a solution, or is it a no go until there's a fix?
same problem here also
This is true even in the demo video/gif. Really limits the usefulness of this plugin.
For me, the space between words gets removed when the words are on different lines. Can this be fixed. Great plugin otherwise!