rollup-plugin-svelte-ssr copied to clipboard
Rollup plugin that injects SSR-ed markup and/or styles in custom html-template
Server-side rendering of Svelte app at build-time using Rollup plugin
Basic example
Let's assume that we have basic svelte component src/App.svelte
export let name;
div {
color: red;
Let's use rollup-plugin-svelte-ssr
in rollup.config.js
// ... other imports
import ssr from "rollup-plugin-svelte-ssr";
export default {
input: "src/App.svelte",
output: {
format: "cjs",
file: "dist/ssr.js"
plugins: [
generate: "ssr"
// ... other plugins
fileName: 'ssr.html',
props: {
name: 'Hello',
In dist
directory we get ssr.html
that contains SSR-ed app:
<style>div.svelte-6xs8g3{color:red}</style><div class="svelte-6xs8g3">Hello</div>
// allow to set output file name
fileName: 'ssr.html',
// or
// where entry is Rollup entry
fileName: function(entry) {
return "ssr.html"
// root component props
props: {
name: 'Hello',
// allow to skip emit of js file
skipEmit: false,
// allow to preprocess html
preprocessHtml: function(html) {
return html;
// allow to preprocess css
preprocessCss: function(css) {
return css;
// customize output
configureExport: function(html, css) {
return `<style>${css}</style>${html}`;