
Results 85 comments of akaJes

@ravini-mephisto i have made the instructable also https://www.instructables.com/id/Marlin-config/ maybe you have some suggestions how to improve it or my wrong language ? i hadn't an english classes in school :)

i made it :) [![](http://www.pngall.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/PayPal-Donate-Button-PNG.png)](https://www.paypal.me/AKruk508)

Thank you @ravini-mephisto for the donation

Thank for donation! I bought an 'orange pi pc plus'(ram 1gb flash 8gb wifi ethernet hdmi 3usb) and installed an armbian ubuntu server. Will try to setup my app too...

support of all these options depend to a choosen marlin version.... ![2018-02-12 13-40-07](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3035266/36095343-888f65de-0ffa-11e8-9862-37fa8cd2e3f3.png)

start the application with empty folder and select menu items: menu -> examples -> desired configuration (this only show changed options) menu -> reset (here the main configuration will be...

I suggest to start use [PlatformIO](http://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/core.html) - it's hard to install on windows, but very helpful to use it auto loading for any platform: -libraries -compillers -programmers and uploading to...

Hi this toolkit only shell for Marlin Firmware it depends for the current platforimio file verision support https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin/blob/bugfix-2.0.x/platformio.ini

#19 after compile you can get the binary from folder `./pioenvs/[boardname]/firmware.hex`

boards list is parsed from boards.h file and depends to selected version of Marlin and i have updated list for the site http://lt.rv.ua/mc/?h=localhost:3000 from beta branch 2.0.x the documentation is...