Amey Kulkarni

Results 18 comments of Amey Kulkarni

We benchmark using TensorRT tools called `trtexec` which performs latency for only DL model. In video processing, based on your pipeline, FPS will vary.

As the name suggest, batchsizeGPU is the default batch size for GPU wheareas batchsizeDLA is for DLA. WS is for WorkSpace this is TensorRT parameter which "controls the maximum amount...

> The total number of the "Mask" labels is now 5050 and still not 6000. > The total number of the "No-Mask" labels is now 5809 and still not 6000...

@hosseinzadeh88 and @doruksonmez > Top left coordinate must be less than bottom right.Error in object 3 of label_file /home/Desktop/NvidiaFaceMaskDetection/FaceMaskData/train/labels/142_mask.txt. Coordinates: x1 = 419, x2 = 323, y1: 119, y2: 239...

@doruksonmez In your `detectnet_v2_train_resnet18_kitti.txt` ; ` image_directory_path` should be ` "/workspace/dataset/kitti-dataset/train" ` I assume, you are copying `resnet18.hdf5` to dataset folder. Let me know if this helps.

Good to hear that accuracy is close to what we had got. To resolve above issue with deepstream follow steps 1. [Change class attr params]( 2. [Add aspect ratio param](

Good to hear your accuracy is close to what we have got. In `config_infer_primary_masknet_gpu.txt` - reduce `classifier-threshold` parameter, in some case I had tried till 0.6 - add `[class-attrs-0]` and...

I usually try these lines and it works. Have you tried camera mode? Unfortunately, i cannot share pre-trained model for `face-mask-detection` > Good to hear your accuracy is close to...

Do you get any errors? Did you try above suggested solution? Are you trying camera or video deepstream config file? > Good to hear your accuracy is close to what...

@sudhirm4 Good to hear. Can we conclude that, experimentation with `[class-attrs-all]` and `eps=0.7` `minBoxes=1` worked?