motherhen icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
motherhen copied to clipboard

Results 12 motherhen issues
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This is one I _can't_ fix, because I don't have a Windows operating system at hand.

help wanted

There are a number of mozilla files that are just python files (e.g. ``). It would be ideal for these to be highlighted by their relevant syntax highlighter. For example:...

One disadvantage to the more complex JSON configuration is having stale, unreachable data and files in the configuration. Motherhen needs to offer a `gc` command, with four modes of operation...

- [express]( for a quick & dirty HTTP server. (NextJS seems rather heavy-weight for this.) - [express-ipfilter]( for localhost-only web pages - [browser-launcher]( to spin up a browser - [codemirror...

This provides a custom command handler. This gives the following benefits: - We do not have to rely on Mozilla for very basic behavior (e.g. launching an application) - We...

Now that this is at least minimally working, one consideration is how to handle evolving changes to Mozilla which could break builds here. In particular, [Mozilla Firefox's release calendar]( shows:... Firefox is trying to get rid of locale DTD's and .properties files, so we shouldn't try to bring them back.