@lucadelu Yes, here are their filenames: MCD18A1.A2020001.h10v03.061.2020350135843.hdf.xml MCD18A1.A2020001.h11v03.061.2020350135958.hdf.xml How would I set a list of 1? Would I write it as just '1' or some other way?
@lucadelu What should I do with the XML files?
@lucadelu I compressed the HDFs and XMLs into a ZIP, but I'm having trouble getting Git LFS to track them in a repository so that I may share them. I...
@lucadelu Update: I successfully got Git LFS to track the ZIP in the repository. I've added you to the repository as a collaborator. Thank you for looking into this.
Hi @arthurelmes, were you ever able to figure this out? I have what I believe is a similar issue which I've posted as #161.