AJ Rasmusson
AJ Rasmusson
Great! This sounds promising! I'll share an update and probably ask for some feedback once I take a first pass at writing a TrappedIonModel/TrappedIonProcessor
I'm going to need to pad operators with identities to get spin and phonon operators to work together. Is there something like `ikron` from quimb in qutip? https://quimb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/autoapi/quimb/core/index.html#quimb.core.ikron
I'm looking for a nice way to handle tensoring all the identity operators. For example, if I have 3 qubits, and I want to define a $\sigma_x$ on each qubit...
Thank you @hodgestar! `expand_operator` is exactly what I was looking for. It's also in `qutip_qip.operations.gates` [docs](https://qutip.org/docs/latest/apidoc/functions.html#qutip.qip.operations.gates.expand_operator) @BoxiLi I am working on the compiler for the Molmer Sorensen gate, and I'm...
Ah, thank you for the explanation! Now, I'm labeling the one pulse as 'ms_01', and I'd like it to show up on the `.plot_pulses()`--but nothing shows up. There's a space...
I'm seeing an error in the calculation of the pulse area. Specifically line 416 of `gatecompiler.py`. The time axis (`tlist`) of the pulse is being scaled to get the area...
Thank you for the thorough explanation! I see now that I was miscalculating the pulse area. My mistake! I did notice some odd behavior with the boxcar window. The tlist...
@BoxiLi I have a more general question for gates. I'd like to define a custom gate such as a general rotation operator $R(\theta, \phi) = e^{i \theta/2 ( \cos(\phi) X...
Ok, excellent! I've attached a test file that defines the classes and tests them out on a circuit. Based on my checks, everything is passing at this point. If this...
The pulse fidelity is my fault! I picked the wrong final state haha I'll change that! Your comment about the MS and QROT gates already in qutip got me thinking......