angular-mobile-nav copied to clipboard
UI Router support?
I am trying to implement this in my angular application which uses ui-router. I am not able to get this to work. Error in console is$injector/unpr?p0=$routeProvider%20%3C-%20$route%20%3C-%20$navigate
After some research, I changed the following :
- routeChangeSuccess to stateChangeSuccess
- Removed device ready function for testing in browser
Ive injected the module as follows:
@mobileApp = angular.module("mobileApp", ["ui.router", "snap", "ngResource", "ngStorage", "ngTouch", "angularMoment", "ajoslin.promise-tracker", "underscore", "ngRetina", "ngSanitize", "ngAnimate", "http-auth-interceptor", "ngCookies", "pickadate", "mobiscroll-datetime", "mobiscroll-rangepicker", "mobiscroll-select", "ui.bootstrap", ""])
Also included the file mobile-nav.js
Any insight?
P.S : I am using UI-Router. Does this plugin support ui-router?