node-pixelpusher copied to clipboard
A node.js module to interface with Heroic Robotics' Pixel Pusher
Heroic Robotics' Pixel Pusher LED controller interface.
npm install heroic-pixel-pusher
Using The Library :
Prepare To Push
var PixelPusher = require('heroic-pixel-pusher');
Discovering A PixelPusher On Your Network
new PixelPusher().on('discover', function(controller) {
var timer = null;
// log connection data on initial discovery
console.log('Discovered PixelPusher on network: ');
// capture the update message sent back from the pp controller
controller.on('update', function() {
console.log ({
updatePeriod : this.params.pixelpusher.updatePeriod,
deltaSequence : this.params.pixelpusher.deltaSequence,
powerTotal : this.params.pixelpusher.powerTotal
}).on('timeout', function() {
// be sure to handel the situation when the controller dissappears.
// this could be due to power cycle or network conditions
console.log('TIMEOUT : PixelPusher at address [' + controller.params.ipAddress + '] with MAC (' + controller.params.macAddress + ') has timed out. Awaiting re-discovery....');
if (!!timer) clearInterval(timer);
// create a timer of some fps frequency and send the new pixel data
}).on('error', function(err) {
console.log('PixelPusher Error: ' + err.message);
Pushing Pixels (push it real good!)
// aquire the number of strips that the controller has said it
// has connected via the pixel.rc config file
var NUM_STRIPS = controller.params.pixelpusher.numberStrips;
// aquire the number of pixels we that the controller reports is
// in each strip. This is set in the pixel.rc file placed on your thumb drive.
var PIXELS_PER_STRIP = controller.params.pixelpusher.pixelsPerStrip;
// create a loop that will send commands to the PP to update the strip
var UPDATE_FREQUENCY_MILLIS = 30;// 15 is just faster than 60 FPS
timer = setInterval(function() {
// create an array to hold the data for all the strips at once
// loop
var strips = [];
for (var stripId = 0; stripId< NUM_STRIPS; stripId ++){
var s = new PixelStrip(stripId,PIXELS_PER_STRIP);
// set a random pixel blue
s.getRandomPixel().setColor(0,0,255, 0.1);
// render the strip data into the correct format for sending
// to the pixel pusher controller
var renderedStripData = s.getStripData();
// add this data to our list of strip data to send
// inform the controller of the new strip frame
LED Data Formats
// if you are using NeoPixels from Adafruit you wont need to
// use this.
if (strip[x].flags & 0x1) {
// red, green blue, orange[3], white[3]
// indicates that the actual number of pixels is pixelsPerStrip/3,
// each pixel is encoded as 9 octets
// first three octets are R, G, and B
// next three octets is the orange value (three times)
// next three octets is the white value (three times)
} else if (strip[x].flags & 0x2) { // wide pixels
// indicates that the actual number of pixels is pixelsPerStrip/2,
// each pixel is encoded as 6 octets: R >> 8, G >> 8, B >> 8, R & 0xff, G & 0xff, B & 0xff
} else {
// each pixel is encoded as three octets: R, G, and B
// this is how the library handles data by default.