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[Later] SABnzbd Integration
Describe the feature you would like to see
Add support for SABnzbd showing current numbers for queue, history, and warnings.
Medium (Would be very useful)
Actually I decided not to do this issue. Sorry @samcro1967 , not enough people are asking for it and I have no idea how to use SABnzbd
Hey, sorry to chime in on a closed issue, it just seemed the most logical place to bring this up. I just started checking out your project, and I think it's super cool. Like the OP here, I thought sabnzbd integration would be nice.
Obviously, you don't owe anyone any specific features on this awesome free project you've already created, but since you mentioned no one seemed to be asking for it, I just wanted to add my +1. Looking at just the linuxserver docker hub image, it seems like the software is pretty popular (500M downloads, about 2.5M/month). https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/sabnzbd
Same here. Would have +1'ed the FR but can't since it's closed now. Just want to express interest in a feature like this...
It's been requested a lot. I have no idea what this software is but I will do my best to try and integrate it in the future (not ETA, probably after Docker and Overseerr integrations if I'm the one doing it )
I will try to use the shared code from all download clients wrappers we are currently using.
This also means that someone could relatively easily implement a wrapper for this integration using the shared structures of the wrappers currently used.
It would make my life 10x easier as I would just have to implement it into homarrr and could do it in half a day if the wrapper was there for it.
If you have typescript skills it should be fairly easy to implement, just a lot of research regarding the API calls and how the data is obtained
Nice to hear that it's not completely off the road map. 👍
Unfortunately I lack TypeScript knowledge - otherwise I would have love to help/work on this issue...
@frdmn @samcro1967 @supagold This features has been implemented in v0.9 irrc