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ida 7.7 sdk support
ida 7.7 sdk needs a flag in plugin_t class, which one we should use for this plugin?
#define PLUGIN_MOD 0x0001 ///< Plugin changes the database.
///< IDA won't call the plugin if
///< the processor module prohibited any changes.
#define PLUGIN_DRAW 0x0002 ///< IDA should redraw everything after calling the plugin.
#define PLUGIN_SEG 0x0004 ///< Plugin may be applied only if the current address belongs to a segment
#define PLUGIN_UNL 0x0008 ///< Unload the plugin immediately after calling 'run'.
///< This flag may be set anytime.
///< The kernel checks it after each call to 'run'
///< The main purpose of this flag is to ease
///< the debugging of new plugins.
#define PLUGIN_HIDE 0x0010 ///< Plugin should not appear in the Edit, Plugins menu.
///< This flag is checked at the start.
#define PLUGIN_DBG 0x0020 ///< A debugger plugin. init() should put
///< the address of ::debugger_t to dbg.
#define PLUGIN_PROC 0x0040 ///< Load plugin when a processor module is loaded. (and keep it
///< until the processor module is unloaded)
#define PLUGIN_FIX 0x0080 ///< Load plugin when IDA starts and keep it in the memory until IDA stops
#define PLUGIN_MULTI 0x0100 ///< The plugin can work with multiple idbs in parallel.
///< init() returns a pointer to a plugmod_t object
///< run/term functions are not used.
///< Virtual functions of plugmod_t are used instead.
#define PLUGIN_SCRIPTED 0x8000 ///< Scripted plugin. Should not be used by plugins,
///< the kernel sets it automatically.
These are optional, just pass it 0.